Crate retina_core

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An ergonomic framework for high speed network traffic analysis on commodity hardware.

Retina provides a simple filter and callback interface that lets users subscribe to network traffic in real-time and run user-defined analysis code in a standard software environment. It is a passive analysis framework that supports access to network traffic at one of four abstraction levels:

  • Individual packets
  • Reassembled connections
  • Parsed application-layer sessions
  • Static (inferrable at first packet and constant throughout the connection)

Retina is designed with a focus on performance in real-world, high-volume network environments (e.g., full-network or full-uplink analysis). It employs an efficient filtering mechanism to discard out-of-scope traffic. Due to performance, is not specifically geared towards deep inspection of all packets, though it can be customized to do so with sampling.

For filter and callback syntax and usage, see retina_filtergen. All built-in subscribable datatypes are defined in retina_datatypes. Additional datatypes in this crate are welcome and encouraged!

The following example shows a simple Retina application with two subscriptions, which print (1) parsed TLS handshakes and (2) parsed DNS transactions to stdout:

use retina_core::config::default_config;
use retina_core::Runtime;
use retina_filtergen::{retina_main, filter};
use retina_datatypes::*;

// Specify a subscription: filter, datatype(s), and callback. The filter determines what
// subset of traffic is delivered to the callback. The datatype(s) determine what data is
// delivered (here, a parsed TLS handshake). Datatypes are defined in the retina_datatypes
// crate and must be passed by immutable reference.
// The callback is executed when the filter (here, TLS connection with matching sni)
// is matched and the specified data is ready to be delivered (here, when the TLS handshake
// is fully parsed).
#[filter("tls.sni ~ '^.*\\.com$'")]
fn log_tls(tls: &TlsHandshake) {
     println!("{:?}", tls);

// A Retina application consists of one or more subscriptions.
// Define other subscriptions in the same file.
fn log_dns(dns: &DnsTransaction) {
     println!("{:?}", dns);

// When using the `filter` macro to identify subscriptions, include the
// `retina_main` attribute with the number of expected subscriptions.
fn main() {
    // Specify the runtime config (default or from a config file)
    let cfg = default_config();
    // SubscribedWrapper is the type generated at compile-time to "wrap" all
    // data tracking and delivering functionality, while `filter` wraps all filtering.
    let runtime::<SubscribedWrapper> = Runtime::new(cfg, filter).unwrap();
    // Starts Retina;

For programs that require many filters (e.g., searching for 100s of attack signatures), using the subscription macro to specify an input TOML file may be preferable to specifying each subscription individually as above.


  • pub use self::conntrack::conn_id::ConnId;
  • pub use self::conntrack::conn_id::FiveTuple;
  • pub use self::conntrack::pdu::L4Pdu;
  • pub use self::lcore::CoreId;
  • pub use self::memory::mbuf::Mbuf;


  • Configuration options.
  • Per-core connection state management.
  • Utilities for compile-time filter generation and subscription handling.
  • Utilities for managing and monitoring Retina cores.
  • Packet memory buffer management.
  • Protocol parsing and manipulation.
  • Utility modules.



  • Returns the application thread ID of the execution unit.
  • Reads the timestamp counter (TSC) register.